
地方政府与炒房者间主从微分对策形成的两类Bang-Coast控制 被引量:1

Two Kinds of Bang-Coast Controls Caused by Stackelberg Differential Game between Local Government and Real Estate Speculators
摘要 通过构建地方政府与当地炒房者间一个主从微分对策的经济学模型,两类成因相异的Bang-Coast控制得到了研究:(1)两个局中人"同时"改变策略的Bang-Coast控制;(2)局中人之间的牵制作用形成的不满足奇异弧的Coast控制。并获得结论:地方政府的动态房产税税率应尽可能与炒房者行为同步,且采取连续渐变为宜;即使囤房行为被完全抑制,政府仍有必要维持一个抑制囤房再度兴起的动态临界税率;为避免房产税被转嫁,政府应以高税率开征。 By constructing a Stackelberg differential game model between local government and real estate speculators,two kinds of Bang-Coast controls which were derived by different causes were studied:(1) According to the Bang-Coast controls,two players would switch their dynamic strategies SIMULTANEOUSLY;(2) The Coast control unsatisfied singular arc condition was derived by restraining function between two players,and attained the conclusions: Local government's dynamic property tax rate should synchronized with speculators' actions as far as possible,and continuous gradation would be better.Even the housing-hoarding behaviors were inhibited,it's necessary for government to maintain a dynamic critical tax rate in order to suppress house-hoarding.In addition,for the purpose of avoiding property tax transferred,high rate should be adopted at the very beginning of property tax reformation.
出处 《系统工程》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期73-79,共7页 Systems Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71071172 70771118)
关键词 主从微分对策 Bang-Coast控制 房产税调节 协态约束 囤房 Stackelberg Differential Game Bang-Coast Control House Tax Adjustment Co-state Equation Constraint House-hoarding
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