

A Review on Wu Kangzhai Studies between 1460 and 2010
摘要 明代学者多从光明人格和学术地位的视角对吴康斋进行评价,如晚明最后大儒刘宗周赞康斋'独得圣贤之心精'、'醇乎醇云',奠定康斋在明代思想史中重要地位;清代学者多从教化层面评价康斋,如《四库总目提要》编者认为康斋开出余干和新会两大学派,雷鋐以'百世师'赞其教化,指出康斋对明代教育风气净化的开先作用;近现代内地学者多从明代心学史的早期启蒙地位评价康斋,如蒙培元认为康斋是明代心学的直接发端者,唐宇元突出康斋对王学产生的催生作用,步近智、张安奇肯定其对明代朱学到心学转变的促进意义;海外学者对吴康斋在明代学术史的学术地位评价颇高,如钟彩钧认为康斋是明代理学的开山人物。综观550来历代学者对吴康斋著作的研究,认为他具有开明代学术风气之先的重要地位,其对心学的体悟和践履开启明代心学之澜。 Scholars in the Ming dynasty tend to appraise Wu Kangzhai for his illuminating personality and academic work. Liu Zongzhou, one of the most influential Ruists in the late Ming period, acclaimed Wu as "a perfect Ruist" and "the true inheritor of the spirit of Kongzi and Mengzi." This evaluation by Liu Zongzhou contributed largely to Wu's reputation as a great intellectual in the Ming dynasty. Scholars in the Qing dynasty, on the other hand, are inclined to give more credit to Wu's achievement in education. The compilers of Sikuzongmutiyao (Synopsis of the Imperial Collection of Four Branches of Literature) saw Wu as the founding father of two important schools of Ruism-the School of Yugan and the School of Xinhui; Deeply impressed by Wu's pioneering work in improving the quality of education in the Ming dynasty, Lei Hong celebrated him as "the teacher for hundreds of generations." In the eyes of most modern scholars in the Chinese Mainland, Wu Kangzhai is to be remembered as an enlightening figure on the embryonic stage of the development of Xinxue: in Meng Peiyuan' s view, Wu is the true initiator of the movement of Xinxue in the Ming dynasty; according to Tang Yuyuan, Wang Yangming was directly influenced by Wu; Bu Jinzhi and Zhang Anqi think highly of Wu's role in the transition period in the Ming dynasty when Zhn Xi's learning gave way to Xinxue. Scholars from overseas unanimously give Wu a high position in the intellectual history of the Ming dynasty. Zhong Caijun believes that Wu is the real pioneer of Lixue in the Ming dynasty. A review of 550 years of Wu Kangzhai Studies reveals his importance in the formative years of Xinxue. Thanks to his interpretation and exemplary moral practice, Xinxue emerged as a vital force in the Ming dynasty.
作者 邹建锋
出处 《深圳大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第4期135-140,共6页 Journal of Shenzhen University:Humanities & Social Sciences
基金 教育部2010'明代理学向心学的转型'课题(10YJCZH254) 浙江社科联课题(2010B98)
关键词 吴与弼 吴康斋 明代 清代 儒家 综述 Wu Yubi Wu Kangzhai the Ming dynasty the Qing dynasty review
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