目的:探讨非线性光谱成像方法在临床上用于无损探测、实时监测小儿毛细血管瘤的病理生理过程,追踪其病程发展过程,以及评估治疗效果的潜力。方法:选取58例资料完整的小儿皮肤毛细血管瘤(颌面部)手术切除标本,其中增生期(2~12个月)26例,消退期(2~5岁)16例,消退完成期(6~11岁)16例。将样品切成30μm厚度,进行非线性光谱成像分析,相应的正常皮肤做为对照。结果:正常皮肤与不同时期毛细血管瘤组织中的胶原蛋白和弹性蛋白纤维的含量、形态结构和光谱特性存在明显差异。结论:基于双光子激发荧光(Two-Photon Excited Fluorescence,TPEF)和二次谐波产生(Second Harmonic Generation,SHG)相结合的非线性光谱成像技术有可能成为临床上用于无损探测、实时监测小儿毛细血管瘤的病理生理过程,追踪其病程发展过程,以及评估治疗效果的有力工具。
Objective To investigate the potential of nonlinear spectral imaging method for Non-destructive detection and monitoring of the pathophysiology of capillary hemangioma among children and for tracking the process of development of them as well as for assessment treatment responses in clinic.Methods Selected 58 cases with complete data in skin capillary hemangioma of children,which 26 cases(2~12 months) in proliferative phase,16 cases(2~5 years) in resolution phase,16 cases(6~11 years) in complete regression period.All of the tissue section samples of 30 lm thickness were analyzed by the use of a nonlinear spectral imaging system,normal skin in the control group.Results There are significant differences between different phase of capillary hemangioma tissue and normal skin in terms of their morphological structure and the spectral characteristics of collagen and elastic fibers.Conclusions Nonlinear spectral imaging based on TPEF / SHG may be used for non-destructive detection and real-time monitoring in the pathophysiological process of capillary hemangioma,tracking the course of the development process,as well as a powerful tool for evaluating treatment effects.
Chinese Journal of Aesthetic Medicine