
企业电子商务采纳的战略决策行为:基于社会认知理论的研究 被引量:39

The Decision-making Behavior of E-business Adoption in Organizational Level:An Empirical Study from Social Cognitive Theory
摘要 基于社会认知理论,研究电子商务采纳过程中的战略决策行为特征,探讨了决策群体的认知、组织e就绪与采纳决策之间的作用关系。基于164个调查数据,采用结构方程模型对假设模型进行检验,发现战略意图的形成首先受到价值认知和风险控制认知这两个方面主观因素的影响,还受到组织e就绪的客观限制。研究还发现,处于不同扩散阶段的企业具有不同的战略决策模式:单一流程应用阶段的采纳决策具有主观导向的非理性特征,而在多流程整合应用阶段则倾向于冒险性。以上研究结论体现了电子商务采纳中决策群体的社会认知规律,对于合理制定战略推动企业电子商务采纳和发展提供了实践依据。 Early attempts to formulate e-business strategies concentrated on the analytical task of deriving strategies from business plans.However,literature is scarce with studies of decision-making behavior for forming e-business strategy.In the process of forming a corporate e-business strategy to respond to the challenges of environmental change,decision-making behavior of e-business adop-tion requires that a firm should analyze its industry forces and firm e-readiness in order to identify opportunities for IT innovation.Furthermore,the organization's strategic decisions directly deter-mine the e-business implementation.With more scientific decision-making behavior,business risk will be reduced.Therefore,how to forming scientific e-business strategy and implement it’s planning are considered as the critical factors for e-business success.To fill this gap,this paper aims to examine the strategic behavior of e-business adoption from decision-making perspective.Grounded in the social cognitive theory,this paper develops a research model to study decision-making behavior of e-business adoption in organizations level which presents the relationships between group perception,e-readiness,and decision-making.Survey data from 164 firms were collected to test the theoretical model using partial least square(PLS) structural equation modeling(SEM).Research results show that e-business adoption intention not only depends upon the concurrent effect of both value perception and e-business risk perception,but also be influenced by e-business’s e-readiness.This paper has also made a contribution by presenting the relation-ships between strategic decision-making model and organizational e-business diffusion stages.Most of companies in initial adoption stage make e-business decision more subjectively,while companies in process integrated stage like to take a risk in e-business adoption.This phenomenon can be explained by the triadic and reciprocal causation among group member,environment and adoption behav-ior from social cognitive theory.More specifically,this approach will help managers understand how strategy deploys organizational resources so that successful e-business adoption and practices can be achieved.
作者 朱镇 赵晶
出处 《南开管理评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第3期151-160,共10页 Nankai Business Review
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71072080) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(CUG100312)资助
关键词 电子商务采纳 社会认知理论 决策行为 组织e就绪 战略决策模式 E-business Adoption Social Cognitive Theory Decision-making Behavior E-readiness Decision-making Model
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