

Deteriorating Items Inventory Model in Supply Chain with the Learning Effect
摘要 根据订购固定成本带学习效应的易变质供应链库存模型,在有限期内,当需求为固定常数时,分析了两种情形下的最优订购策略。一类是允许发生短缺且缺货需要回补时,证明了最优解存在的唯一性,设计了求解最优订购策略的算法;另一类是不允许发生短缺时,将订购次数作为自变量,证明了系统总成本存在最优解的唯一性,给出了求得最优订购次数的计算方法。最后通过实例进行了验证。 This paper considers the deteriorating items inventory model in supply chain with the learning effect of setup costs.In a finite planning horizon,an optimal replenishment policy is proposed for two cases of the problem with a deterministic constant demand,respectively.For the case with backlogging,the paper proves there exist a unique optimal solution and designs a optimal algorithm.For the case without backlogging,the number of replenishments are regarded as the decision variables and a solution procedure to find unique optimal solution is proposed.Finally,numerical examples are given to illustrate the theoretical results.
出处 《农业系统科学与综合研究》 CSCD 2011年第3期344-349,共6页 System Sciemces and Comprehensive Studies In Agriculture
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(1107114270971076) 山东省社会科学规划资助项目(10DJG12) 山东省高等学校科技计划项目(J09LA04)
关键词 库存管理 易变质产品 学习效应 订购策略 Inventory model deteriorating items the learning effect replenishment policy
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