

The effect of administration of sildenafil citrate on intrauterine insemination.
摘要 目的通过总结106例162周期宫腔内人工授精(IUI)结局,分析手术当日口服万艾可对IUI妊娠率的影响。方法选择男方因素行IUI夫妇共106对,男方因素全部为弱精子症,随机分常规组和万艾可组,常规组按照常规IUI方式进行,万艾可组在男方取精前30-60min口服万艾可50mg,比较两组精液量,精液上游前后活动精子总数,妊娠率。结果万艾可组精液量(2.96±1.18)ml高于常规组(2.02±0.25)ml(P<0.05),且万艾可组处理后活动精子总数(19.96±6.68)×106高于常规组(10.56±3.68)×106(P<0.05)。在妊娠率方面,万艾可组与常规组分别为妊娠率19.7%与8.9%(P<0.05)。结论口服万艾可可以即时提高精子活动力,增加人工授精有效的精子数量;处理后精子总数是影响妊娠率的重要因素。 Objective: To investigate the effect of administrating sildenafil citrate on pregnancy rate of intrauterine insemination by means of analyzing patients of IUI cycles.Methods:Infertility couples were divided into two groups.In group one,the male parters administrated 50mg sildenafil citrate 30-60 minites early before collecting semen.In group two,male parters collected semen routinely.Comparisons of semen volumes,total motility sperm(TMS) and post-swim up total motility sperm(PTMS) quantility and pregnancy rates.Results:In group one,male semen volumes,PTMS quantility were significantly higher than those of group two(2.02±0.25ml VS.2.96±1.18 ml)(10.56±3.68)×106 VS.(19.96±6.68) ×106.There were statistical differences in the pregnancy rate between two groups(8.9% VS.19.7%).Conclusions: Sildenafil citrate can improve asthenozoospermic male semen volumes and PTMS in intrauterine insemination cycles.PTMS is key factor to increase pregnancy rate.
出处 《中国优生与遗传杂志》 2011年第7期117-118,共2页 Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity
关键词 万艾可 宫腔内人工授精 妊娠率 Sildenafil citrate Intrauterine insemination Pregnancy rate
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