
171例儿童气质维度差异性及相关性分析 被引量:2

The difference of temperament dimensions of 171 children and correlation analysis
摘要 目的:探讨影响儿童气质维度的相关因素,比较不同月龄组儿童气质维度的差异性,为指导儿童心理行为保健工作提供依据。方法:选取2008年儿保科早期综合发展门诊171名0~6岁儿童为研究对象,按月龄分为婴儿组(0~12个月)、幼儿组(13~36个月)、学龄前组(37~72个月),采用儿童气质测试软件进行分析。结果:不同月龄组儿童在气质维度的某些方面存在显著性差异,随年龄的增长,儿童的活动水平、节律性、持久性及反应阀趋于中等水平,符合儿童生理心理发育成熟规律。气质维度中的节律性、持久性、反应阀与分娩医院有相关关系;活动水平、注意分散与父亲嗜烟酒有相关关系;趋避性与父亲嗜烟酒及出生体重有相关关系;儿童气质类型与父母职业、纯母乳喂养月龄、分娩医院有相关关系。结论:重视儿童在各个发育阶段气质维度的差异性,发挥优势,避开劣势,创造条件、优化气质维度中不足之处,促进儿童心理行为的健康发展。 Objective:To explore the related effect factors of temperament dimensions of children,compare the difference of temperament dimensions of children in different months groups,provide a basis for directing psychological behaviour health care of children. Methods:171 children aged 0~6 years old were selected from early integrated developmental outpatient of department of child health care in the hospital in 2008 as study objects,then they were divided into infant group(0~12 months),child group(13~36 months) and preschool group(37~72 months),temperament test software of children was used for analysis. Results:There was significant difference in temperament dimensions of children among different groups in certain aspects,the activity level,rhythmicity,persistence and response valve tended to moderate levels with age,which met the regularities of physiological and psychological growth and maturity.Among temperament dimensions of children,rhythmicity,persistence and response valve were related to the hospital where the children were born;activity level and distraction were related to their fathers addicted to alcohol and tobacco;phobotaxis was correlated with their fathers addicted to alcohol and tobacco and birth weight of the children;the temperament types of children were correlated with occupations of parents,the time of pure breast feeding and the hospital where the children were born. Conclusion:Paying more attention to the difference of temperament dimensions of children at various developmental stages,displaying the superiority,avoiding disadvantages,creating conditions and optimizing the inadequacies of temperament dimensions may promote the healthy development of psychosocial behaviour of children.
出处 《中国妇幼保健》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第21期3271-3273,共3页 Maternal and Child Health Care of China
关键词 气质维度 差异性 相关性 Temperament dimension Difference Correlation
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