目的:局部使用四环素可的松软膏治疗男孩包茎。 材料和方法:对患包茎3~7 岁男孩40 例随机分成两组,治疗组20例,从包皮孔挤入四环素可的松软膏,对照组20 例使用凡士林油膏,治疗6 周,观察包皮上翻程度及不良反应。 结果:治疗组18 例效果良好(占90% ),对照组4 例有效(占20% )。无不良反应。 结论:对3 岁以上男孩包茎局部使用四环素可的松软膏治疗,方法简单可靠。
Objectives:We use topical application of tetracycline cortisone cream for the treatment of phimosis in boys. Materials and Methods:This study comprised two groups of 20 boys each,mean age 5 years(from 3~7), diagnosed as phimosis in the surgical clinic.Group 1 applied topical tetracycline cortisone cream,twice a day for six weeks,and vaseline cream in the Group 2 for control.The retractability of the prepuce and side effects were observed. Results:18/20 in group 1 had good retraction of the prepuce after treated with tetracycline cortisone cream,and only 4 cases had good response in Group 2.No side effects happened. Conclusions:Topical application of tetracycline cortisone cream is a simple and safe way for the treatment of phimosis in boys older than 3 years.