本文以★★学院为例,深入分析该学院的评教系统的现状及系统需求,运用软件系统开发思想和方法,进行了评教系统的总体分析和详细设计。利用Visual Studio2008平台功能,采取B/S架构,以C#语言开发,数据库选择sql Server2008。ASP.NET框架对于MVC框架的支持,让我们看到更多的亮点,所以我们用ASP.NETMVC框架来设计web前台系统,让我们在很多方面节省了工作量,MVC的相对独立,让程序的运行机制更加清晰,层次分明,低耦合,同时也增加的程序的可拓展性。
In this paper,**College for example,in-depth analysis of the school's teaching evaluation system status and system requirements,the use of software systems development ideas and methods for the evaluation of teaching overall system analysis and detailed design.Platform using Visual Studio 2008 features,take B/S architecture,the C# language development,database selection Sql Server 2008.Framework for ASP.NET MVC framework support,let us see more of the highlights,so we use the ASP.NET MVC framework to design the web front system,let the workload in many ways to save,MVC's relatively independent,so that the program the operating mechanism is more clear, structured,low coupling,but also increase the program's scalability.
Computer CD Software and Application