

The Ideas of Tian(Heaven)and Ren(Human) in Zuo Zhuan and History of Peloponnesian War
摘要 《左传》和修昔底德《伯罗奔尼撒战争史》都试图从人事本身寻求历史变化的原因,体现出鲜明的人文主义特征。《左传》承认神、自然与人事之间的内在联系,在神、自然与人之间的张力关系中主张以人为本;而修氏《伯战史》则否定了神、自然与人事之间存在必然联系,强调天人相分。两书都从人事本身寻求到了历史变化的最终原因。《左传》认为,历史的变化实际上就是民心向背转移的反映。民心,即善是推动历史变化的根本原因。伦理道德与历史的变化是一致的。而修氏《伯战史》则强调人性中的贪欲、权力欲等欲望在历史中的作用,把"恶"作为最终推动人类历史变化的原因。正义等伦理道德与历史的发展是相背离的。两书以上历史思想及特征,根源于中西古代的思想传统。 Both Zuo Zhuan by ZUO Qiu-ming and the History of Peloponnesian War by Thucydides devote to inquire into the reasons of the historical changes in human affairs, and are hence marked with distinct humanism. However, there also exist numerous differences in their views. Regarding the relationship between the heaven (Tian), nature, and human being, Zuo Zhuan believes in God's will, and contends that there is essential relationship between nature and man. Thucydides, on the other hand, denies the influence of gods to human affairs, and conscientiously makes a distinction in between. Moreover, Thucydides realizes that Tyche (chance, fortune) plays an important role in human history. On the above basis, both find the ultimate reason for history development in human affairs. Zuo Zhuan holds that historical development is caused by the transfer of the will of people in essence; that is, the good is the root cause that pushes forward the history improvement, which is in step with morality. However, as Thucydides' History reveals, it is the human nature (such as greed, lust for power), namely, the evil, that drives the history forward. Human history acts in contrary to the justice and other moral principles. The similarities and differences are originated from the ancient Chinese and Greek ideological traditions.
作者 李永明
出处 《北京师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第4期96-101,共6页 Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences)
关键词 《左传》 修昔底德 《伯罗奔尼撒战争史》 天人关系 历史动因 Zuo Zhuan History of the Peloponnesian War Thucydides heaven man relation historical motivation
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