
基于用户操作行为的兴趣度的分析与计算 被引量:1

Interest Degree of Analysis and Calculation Based on User Behavior
摘要 在互联网的背景下,用户检索行为所体现的兴趣是零散的、分布的。利用一个群集模型来综合这些分布的信息,对个性化服务也会提供帮助。通过对单个用户行为的分析,提出了一种基于操作行为的兴趣度的计算方法,可以有效地计算出该用户对当前内容的兴趣度的基值,并最终为用户兴趣群集模型中各个结点的兴趣度的值的计算提供重要依据。 In the context of the Internet,the interest of the user search behavior is fragmented,distributed.For the personalized service to help,using a cluster model to integrate the distribution of information.Through the analysis of individual user behavior,proposing a method based on user behavior to calculate the current contents of the user's interest degree on the base value,and ultimately it is an important basis for the calculation of the value for users interest degree in all nodes in the cluster model.
机构地区 安徽工业大学
出处 《工业控制计算机》 2011年第7期64-65,115,共3页 Industrial Control Computer
关键词 用户行为 群集模型 兴趣度 user behavior cluster model interst degree
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