

Synthesis and surface modification of gold nanorods and their interactions with cancer cells
摘要 作为金属纳米粒子中的典型代表,金纳米棒在近红外区有较强的吸收,且容易合成得到尺寸均匀的产物,这使它在医学上有着巨大的应用潜力。但是关于金纳米棒的生物毒性以及金纳米棒与肿瘤细胞相互作用的机理目前尚未得到很好的解决。实验进行了金纳米棒合成条件的优化,成功合成了所需波长范围的金纳米棒,利用巯基十一酸层层组装法制备了单分散的表面带有亲水性羧基的金纳米棒,并且完成了金纳米棒与表皮生长因子抗体的偶联,在暗场体视显微镜下观察到结合了蛋白的金纳米棒可以进入细胞。实验利用紫外吸收光谱、Zeta电位测试、透射电镜、光学显微镜这些表征手段证实了每步实验的可行性。所得数据证明该修饰方法可进一步用于金纳米棒的生物应用。 Synthesis conditions of gold nanorods were optimized and their surface modification via layer-by-layer assembly of 11-mercaptoundecanoic acid was investigated.Furthermore,anti-EGFR antibody was linked to gold nanorods and their interaction with HeLa cells was monitored using darkfield stereomicroscopy.Characterization of gold nanorods was performed using UV-Vis,Zeta potential,TEM and optical microscopy.The results suggested that the gold nanorods prepared could be applied in biomedical studies.
作者 熊瑞瑞 何彦
出处 《化学传感器》 CAS 2011年第2期33-41,共9页 Chemical Sensors
关键词 纳米金棒 癌细胞 自组织 gold nanorod cancer cell self-assembling
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