
警察权力与公共舆论:一种理论的探讨 被引量:1

Police Power and Public Opinions:A Discussion of Theories
摘要 权利时代的到来伴随着公民权利意识的觉醒,公民希望通过多种渠道寻找他们的权利,正是公民的相关诉求使媒体走入公共领域并于此域中形成公共舆论。公共舆论作为公民政治权利之一是宪法和法律确定、赋予并加以保护的,其存在对发挥警察权力的功效有着积极的作用。权利和权力理论是政治学的重要理论,而警察权力与公共舆论正是这一理论的外化。警察权力面对公共舆论应开辟新路径。 The consciousness of the civil rights is awakened with the arrival of the times of rights, which arouses citizens' demand to realize their rights through various channels. This kind of demand leads the mass media into public domain with the result of formation of public opinion. As one of the political fights, public opinion is determined and protected by constitution and laws, so it contributes to the effectiveness of police power. Rights and theory of power are important theories of politics, while police power and public opinion are the externalization of it. Police power should a new path to respond public opinion.
作者 任捷
出处 《湖南公安高等专科学校学报》 2011年第2期131-135,共5页 Journal of Huan Public Security College
关键词 警察权力 公共舆论 公共权力 公民政治权利 police power public opinion civil rights political rights of citizens
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