
新疆伊犁都拉塔口岸啮齿类动物及体外寄生蚤调查报告 被引量:1

Survey on rodents and their parasitic fleas at Yili Dulata Port of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region
摘要 目的掌握伊犁都拉塔口岸啮齿类动物及体外寄生蚤种类、分布、种群动态情况,为口岸鼠疫预测预报和防治工作提供依据。方法采用路线洞群法和夹捕法捕获大沙鼠;采用夹夜法捕获小型啮齿类动物。结果都拉塔口岸收集到啮齿类动物经分类鉴定隶属3科8属10种;节肢动物经分类鉴定隶属5科12属13种。居民生活区以小家鼠、灰仓鼠、小林姬鼠为主;路、田、沟边以红尾沙土鼠为主;灌木植被丰富的荒漠以大沙土鼠为主。红尾沙土鼠与大沙土鼠有混居现象,并发生寄生蚤的交换。臀突客蚤是大沙土鼠的主要寄生蚤。未检出鼠疫F1抗体阳性。结论鉴于哈萨克斯坦境内巴尔喀什湖东南荒漠存在鼠疫自然疫源地,都拉塔口岸与哈萨克斯坦边境鼠类生存生态环境相似,具有鼠疫流行病学监测意义,应加强对都拉塔口岸鼠疫监测和防治工作,尤以大沙土鼠为监测重点。 Objective To find out the species and distribution of rodents and their parasitic fleas at the Dulata Port, as well as the trend of change in amount of the different species, and to provide evidence for prediction and prevention and control of the plague at Port. Methods Route hole group method and clip catch method for rhombomys opimus and clip night method for small rodents were used. Results A total of 304 rodents were collected and subjected to 3 families 8 genera 10 species, 2 215 flea specimens were collected and subjected to 5 families 12 genera 13 species at Dulata Port. Mus musculus、cricetulus migratorius and apodemus sylvaticus were the major species in residential area; Meriones erythrourus was the major species in the road, in the field and around the ditch; Rhombomys opimus was the major species in the wilderness abounded with vegetable layer of bush. The phenomenon occurred that meriones erythrourus and rhombomys opimus live together and the flea parasitizing in them exchange each other. Xenopsylla minax was the major parasitic fleas in rhombomys opimus . No Plague F1 antibody was detected. Conclusion Rat plague was not found in the Port. It is significant to conduct surveillance on rat plague epide miolopy in the Port,As NaturaI Rat Plague Focus exist in the wilderness southeast Balkhash Lake within Kazakhstan; the epidemic focus of rhombomys opimus plague was found in Junggar Basin of Xinjiang in 2005. further more, the Port and the border of Kazakhstan are similar in the ecological condition for rat survival. It is necessary to strengthen the surveillance and prevention on plague in the Port area, especially the surveillance among rhombomys opimus.
出处 《中国国境卫生检疫杂志》 CAS 2011年第3期172-175,共4页 Chinese Journal of Frontier Health and Quarantine
关键词 口岸 鼠疫 监测 大沙土鼠 种群 分布 调查 Port Plague Surveillance Rhombomys opimus Specie Distribution Survey
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