Objective: To evaluate the effectivenes ofulinastatin Combine Xuebijingin in the treatment of severe sepsis. Methods: Forty severe sepsis patients were divided into the test group and the comparison group, each of 20 patients. All patient were treated by antibiotics,symptomatic treatment and conventional nutritional support. The test group was treated by ulinastatin 600,000 U, ivd and Xuebijing 50 ml, ivd, ql2h, continue 7days. Resluts: In the end of the treatment, the many count include pulse, breath, WBC, PCT, CRP, APACHE II score and 7day mortality of the test group have more down than comparison group. Conclusion: Ulinastatin combined with Xuebijing has a good effect in the treatmeut of severe sepsis,which can improve the symptom of severe sepsis and reduce the mortality.
Progress in Modern Biomedicine