
考虑采购数量的季节性商品动态定价问题 被引量:4

The dynamic pricing of seasonal products considering procurement quantity
摘要 研究了一个同时考虑商品采购数量和动态定价的季节性商品销售策略问题.顾客可以通过网络订购和现场购买两种方式购买该商品,且网络订购商品由销售商免费派送.两种方式下的商品需求量都是关于商品价格和购买时间的函数,而网络顾客在收到商品之前,会以一定的概率取消订单.销售商在销售期内,需要通过动态调整价格的策略来刺激消费者购买商品,以保证在销售季节内完成商品销售任务并提高销售商收益.提出了一个可以同时确定最佳采购数量和最优商品动态定价策略的数学模型,优化的目标是最大化销售商的收益,并给出该模型的求解算法.最后的算例表明,模型和算法是有效的,且相对静态价格策略,动态价格策略能为销售商带来更多的收益. The marketing strategy of the seasonal products which considering the procurement quantity and the dynamic pricing simultaneously is investigated in the paper. The customers could purchase the products through spot and internet, and the demands for both purchase ways are assumed to be time and price dependent. The customers on internet may withdraw their orders with a constant rate before receiving them, but they must be charged a penalty. In order to ensure the products could be sold with a fixed period of time and can further improve the total revenues, the retailer should dynamically adjust the sales price of the seasonal products. A mathematical model is developed to find the optimal order quantity and dynamic pricing setting, which objective is to maximize the profit of retailers, then a solution approach is proposed to determine the optimal decision. Numerical application denotes the model and the algorithm are rational, and the dynamic pricing strategy outperformed the static strategy.
出处 《系统工程理论与实践》 EI CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第7期1257-1263,共7页 Systems Engineering-Theory & Practice
基金 国家博士后科学基金(20090450915) 国家自然科学基金(70901076)
关键词 季节性商品 购买方式 动态定价 采购量 数学模型 seasonal products purchase way dynamic pricing procurement quantity mathematical model
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