离子色谱法采用薄层离子交换树脂和稀溶液体系,可以作为研究离子交换热力学和动力学的理想手段。本文导出了离子交换平衡方程,并予以实验验证。导出了测定离子交换反应热的方程,测定了在碳酸钠溶液中在季铵二型强碱性阴离子交换树脂上F- 、Cl- 、NO-2 、HPO42- 、Br- 、NO-3和SO42- 的离子交换反应热。以色谱峰的对称度作为离子交换动力学特性的研究手段,观察离子交换过程中离子和离子交换树脂间ππ键的极化作用。
Ion chromatography using pellicular ion exchange resins and dilute solution can be devoted to the study of ion exchange thermodynamics and kinetics.Ion exchange equilibrium equation was obtained,and examined by the experiments.Based on ion exchange equilibrium,the influence of eluant concentration and resin capacity on adjusted retention volumes was examined .The effect of temperatute on adjusted retention volumes was investigated and heats of ion exchange of seven anions were determined by ion chromatogrophy.The interation between anions and skeleton structure of resins were observed.
Uranium Mining and Metallurgy