
海南临高和澄迈池鹭种群的卵色光谱分析 被引量:1

Egg reflectance spectra of Chinese Pond Heron(Ardeola bacchus)in Lingao and Chengmai of Hainan Island,South China
摘要 2009年4—7月,利用光纤光谱仪和鸟类视觉模型对海南临高和澄迈2个池鹭(Ardeola bacchus)种群的卵色进行量化分析。结果表明:池鹭卵的反射光谱波峰位于中波区域,最高峰位于绿色光区域,卵色为以绿色为主的蓝绿色,这种卵色可能是对捕食、营巢生境或雄鸟性选择的适应。基于鸟类视觉模型的分析表明,2个种群池鹭的卵在色度、亮度和色调UV上无显著差异,但在色调RGB上存在极显著差异。罗宾逊(Robinson)投射分析表明,澄迈种群的池鹭,其卵的色调RGB变异明显大于临高种群,这种变异可能与2个种群的巢寄生压力或营巢生境的差异有关。 Fiber spectrophotometer and avian visual modeling were adopted to quantitatively analyze the egg color of Chinese Pond Heron(Ardeola bacchus) in Lingao and Chengmai of Hainan Island during the breeding season from April to July,2009.The egg reflectance spectra showed that the wave crest was located on the range of medium wave,with a peak on green light zone.The blue-green egg color of A.bacchus could be an adaptation to predation,nesting habitat,or sexual selection by male.The analysis based on avian visual modeling indicated that the egg chroma,brilliance,and hue UV had no significant differences between Chengmai and Lingao populations,but the hue RGB was significantly different.Robinson Project showed that the variation of egg hue RGB was larger for Chengmai population than for Lingao population,possibly due to the difference in brood parasitism pressure or nest habitat characteristics between Chengmei and Lingao.
出处 《生态学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第8期1674-1677,共4页 Chinese Journal of Ecology
基金 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目(NCET-10-0111) 国家大学生创新性实验计划项目(081165808、081165809) 首都师范大学研究生创新基金项目资助
关键词 光纤光谱仪 卵色 巢寄生 池鹭 鸟类视觉模型 fiber spectrophotometer egg color avian brood parasitism Chinese Pond Heron avian visual modeling
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