
Online Judge系统的优化 被引量:6

Optimization of Online Judge Systems
摘要 从Web页面和数据库缓存、服务器架构、多核评测处理规则、前端异步响应、数据表设计、跨平台支持、源代码抄袭检测、测试用例自动生成等方面优化了Online Judge系统,使得评测效率提高的同时减少了服务器数量,节约了运行成本。最后讨论了基于Online Judge系统实现智能优化算法的统一测试平台的方法。 This paper describes the application and performance optimization of Online Judge Systems in terms of web page and database caching, server architecture, testing and processing rules in multi-core environment, front-end asynchronous response, data table design, cross-platform support, source code plagiarism detection, automatic generation of test cases, etc., which enhances the evaluation efficiency while reducing the number of servers, saving operating coses. And then, it discusses the general idea on the implementation of a unified test platform for intelligent optimization algorithms.
出处 《计算机系统应用》 2011年第8期115-121,共7页 Computer Systems & Applications
基金 辽宁省自然科学基金(20092045) 沈阳市重点实验室建设资助项目(1091244-1-00) 沈阳工程学院院内基金理工类(2009009)
关键词 Online JUDGE 缓存 多核 处理器亲和性 排队论 抄袭检测 测试用例自动生成 online Judge cache multi-core processor affinity queuing theory plagiarism detection test case auto generation
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