
ZigBee传感网的一种新型安全方案 被引量:5

New Security Solution of ZigBee Sensor Network
摘要 研究了目前传感网存在的安全隐患,针对主要攻击手段提出一种简单可行的安全方案。该方案包括两部分:1.以帧的序列号为初始向量,采用AES算法对相应的PANID(个人区域网络标识符)进行加解密;2.根据接受帧的序列号对接收帧的有效性进行判断。由此,该方案在保证PANID的机密性、防止伪装攻击方面有着比较显著的效果。 For the ZigBee sensor network is still not safe enough, this article proposes a simple feasible security solution. It contains two parts. First, with the frame series number as the initial vector, using the AES algorithm encrypts /decrypts the cor responding PANID. Second, judge the validity of the frame received according to the series number. Actually, this solution has a significant effect on ensuring PANID security and preventing disguised attack.
作者 施鹏 赵华伟
出处 《计算机系统应用》 2011年第8期204-207,共4页 Computer Systems & Applications
关键词 ZIGBEE 传感网 伪装攻击 安全方案 AES ZigBee sensing network disguised attack security solution AES
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