
Fitts’模型在移动与可穿戴计算交互中的可用性研究 被引量:3

Usage analysis for applying Fitts' law in context of mobile/wearable computing
摘要 近年来移动计算与可穿戴计算范式已进入高速发展期,此类计算范式通常采用基于手持小屏幕与头戴显示器的受限视场显示技术以及基于多点触摸的指点输入技术。然而此类受限视场显示设备将引起交互过程中的变视场及微目标问题,这些问题可能又将导致人机交互绩效的显著变化,进而影响其交互绩效的传统研究工具——Fitts’模型的可用性。通过人机交互实验,分别针对变视场条件及微目标条件对基于指点交互的人机绩效进行了定量分析,并基于此对Fitts’模型在移动与可穿戴计算中的可用性进行了研究。结果表明传统Fitts’模型不能适用于显示视场小于11.5°或指点目标小于15.7'视弧度的边界条件。最后提出了一个边界条件公式以帮助设计者与用户更好地设计和使用移动与可穿戴计算交互界面及装置。 Mobile and wearable computing have becoming bloom in these years.For which the interaction usually based on the restricted field of view devices,e.g.hand-held small display and head mounted display,as well as the multi-touch pointing device.However,the encountered various display field of view and small targets while interacting with those devices may significantly affect the interaction efficiency,and further influence the usability of traditional Fitts' law,the common tool to study it.This paper conducted two user studies focused on the various field of view and small target conditions,to quantitatively analysis the pointing task's efficiency.On the basis of this,also investigated the usability of the traditional Fitts' law in the context of mobile/wearable computing.The results show that Fitts' law would no longer adequate for modeling the task performance when display FOV is smaller than 11.5° and when target is smaller than 15.7′ arc-minutes.This paper concluded with a formula which helped designers and users to better understand the border condition when applying Fitts' law to mobile/wearable computing.
出处 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第8期2880-2882,共3页 Application Research of Computers
基金 国家"863"计划资助项目(2009AA01Z310)
关键词 移动计算 视场 头戴显示器 Fitts’定律 离群值 mobile computing field of view(FOV) head mounted display Fitts'law outlier
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