
制备条件对不同玻璃材料负载TiO_2活性影响研究 被引量:5

Study on effects of preparing conditions on TiO_2 catalyst activity supported on different glass sheets
摘要 以光催化降解苯酚为探针反应,通过正交实验,系统研究了胶液配比、涂覆次数和焙烧温度等条件对以溶胶-凝胶法分别在普通钠钙玻璃和磨砂玻璃上制备TiO2光催化性能的影响,并利用环境扫描电镜(ESEM)对TiO2催化膜形貌进行了分析。研究表明,在普通钠钙玻璃片上负载TiO2催化膜的影响因素主次顺序为:硝酸体积>涂覆次数>焙烧温度>V乙醇∶V酞酸丁酯,在选定实验条件下的最优条件为:涂覆次数为4次;焙烧温度=450℃;V乙醇∶V酞酸丁酯∶V硝酸(1∶4):V水=400∶40∶1∶4。在磨砂玻璃片上负载TiO2催化膜的的影响因素主次顺序为:涂覆次数>硝酸体积>焙烧温度>V乙醇:V酞酸丁酯,在选定实验条件下的最优条件为:涂覆次数为4次;焙烧温度=500℃;V乙醇∶V酞酸丁酯∶V硝酸(1∶4)∶V水=400∶40∶2∶4。通过扫描电镜可以观察到在普通钠钙玻璃片和磨砂玻璃片表面均附着一层白色的TiO2薄膜,颗粒粒径在100 nm左右。磨砂玻璃比普通钠钙玻璃负载更多的催化剂,磨砂玻璃基TiO2活性更高。磨砂玻璃是一种非常有前景的TiO2催化剂载体材料。 The photocatalytic efficiencies of the immobilized catalysts supported on common soda-lime glass sheet and ground glass sheet by sol-gel method were evaluated in the degradation of phenol solution by orthogonal experiment.The effects of preparation conditions such as composition ratio of sol solutions,coating times and calcination temperature were investigated,and the morphology of the catalysts was characterized by using environmental scanning electron microscopy(ESEM).The factor order according to the extent of influence on common soda-lime glass was the dose of HNO3,coating times,calcination temperature,the dose ratio of C2H6Oand Ti(C4H9O)4,and the optimal preparation conditions based on these experiments were: coating times=4,calcination temperature=450℃;C2H6O∶ Ti(C4H9O)4∶ HNO3(1∶ 4)∶ H2O=400∶ 40∶ 1∶ 4(v/v).The factor order according to the extent of influence on ground glass was coating times,dose of HNO3,calcination temperature,the dose ratio of C2H6O and Ti(C4H9O)4,and the optimal preparation conditions based on the experiments were: coating times=4,calcination temperature=500℃,C2H6O∶ Ti(C4H9O)4∶ HNO3(1∶ 4)∶ H2O=400∶ 40∶ 2∶ 4(v/v).Through the SEM,white TiO2 film can be observed on both kinds of carriers,and the crystallite size was 100 nanometers or so.More catalyst could be loaded on ground glass sheet than on common soda-lime glass sheet,and the catalyst activity of TiO2 supported on ground glass sheet was higher than that supported on common soda-lime glass sheet.Ground glass sheet is a promising carrier for the preparation of TiO2 film by sol-gel method.
出处 《环境工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第8期1785-1789,共5页 Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering
基金 山东省自然科学基金项目(Q2008B06)
关键词 二氧化钛 光催化 溶胶-凝胶法 苯酚 TiO2 photocatalysis sol-gel method phenol
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