Only around one-in-fifty shore-based shipping staff would get caught in US president Barack Obama’s proposed tax on what he has called the 'ultra-rich' who earn basic salaries of more than $250,000. Some 2.2% of shore-based shipping employees in trading and operating positions earn over $250,000, according to analysis of data gathered on some 4,000 employees worldwide conducted by Spinnaker Consulting. However, the recruitment company says 13.5% earned base salaries over $150,000 in 2010, which with bonuses could take many more shipping personnel theoretically toward Obama’s ultra-rich tax band if they lived in the US. Spinnaker has calculated that around 1.5% earn bonuses of more than 100% of their salaries, with 2.4% earning bonuses of 50% to 100%. The vast majority of those earning big bonuses are among chartering and freight trading, with a few senior executives thrown in.
China Ocean Shipping Monthly