
如何加强我国计算机软件专利安全的保护措施 被引量:1

How to Strengthen the Security of Our Computer Software Patent Protection
摘要 近年来,蓬勃发展的计算机软件行业极大地推动了社会的科学技术进步,同时计算机软件及其相关发明创造的法律保护问题也成为法律界和计算机软件业人士关注的焦点之一,特别是计算机软件作为人类创造性的智慧成果,其产权保护问题已经成为了当代知识产权保护的重要内容之一。完善的专利保护制度对鼓励计算机软件产业的创新,提高企业的竞争力有着十分积极的作用。主要对国内计算机软件专利安全的保护问题进行了研究。首先从计算机软件专利保护的历史回顾入手,介绍了计算机软件进入专利保护范畴的渊源及我国专利法对计算机软件的保护范畴。其次从法律角度及审查角度对我国计算机软件专利安全的保护现状进行了分析,并结合我国具体情况,对目前计算机软件专利审查时存在的一些问题进行了探讨。最后对加强我国计算机软件专利安全的保护措施的必要性进行了论述,并提出了具体的加强措施建议。旨在为我国健全、完善有效的技术创新的专利制度、促进软件产业的健康发展提出建议。 In recent years,the booming computer software industry has greatly promoted the progress of science and technology.At the same time,the legal protection of the computer software and related inventions has also become the focus of attention in computer and law.Especially computer software as intellectual achievements of human creativity,and its property rights protection has become an important part of contemporary intellectual property protection.A sound system of patent protection of computer software industry can not only encourage innovation,but also have a very positive role to improve the competitiveness of enterprises.This paper mainly focuses on the safety of China's computer software patent.First,the paper introduces the origin and the history of computer software's patent protection,describes the scope of computer software's protection in China.Second,in the view of legal and patents inspection,the paper analyzes the current situation of computer software patents,combined with the specific circumstances of China.Finally,measures to enhance the safety of the patent protection are discussed,and the paper puts forward specific recommendations.The paper aims to improve patent system,and makes recommendations to promote the healthy development of the computer software industry
作者 朴京顺
出处 《计算机安全》 2011年第7期85-87,共3页 Network & Computer Security
关键词 计算机软件 专利 安全 措施 computer software patent safety measures
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  • 1互联网实验室.《标准的规则》[EB/OL].http://www.chinalabs.com/cache/doc/04107/22/3751.shtml,.
  • 2万云.《金融业遭遇专利之忧》[EB/OL].http://news.xinhuanet.com/fortune/2003—01/20/conten_697761.htm,.
  • 3See USPTO White Paper - Automated Financial or Management Data Processing Methods(Business Methods), http://WWW.uspto, gov/weh/menu/husmethp.
  • 4See Research and Study on the Trend of New Areas (Business Methods)-Related Inventions , liP bulletin 2001 vol. 10, p. 39.
  • 5See 160 F. 467 (2d Cir. 1908).
  • 6See See. 101. - Inventions Patentable, http://WWW. washingtonwatehdog. org/doeuments/use/tt135/ptⅡ/eh10/sec101. html.
  • 7See 149F. 3d 1368(Fed. Cir. 1998).
  • 8See Statement of Congressman Rick Boucher, Introduction of the Business Method Patent Irqprovement Act of 2000, Tuesday, October 6, 2000, http://WWW. techlawjournal. com/intelpro/20001003. asp.
  • 9See 425 U. S. 219 (1976).
  • 10See Examination Guidelines for Computer-Related Inventions, Final Version, Feb. 28, 1996 (Volume 61, Number 40), http://WWW. kuesterlaw. com/swguide. htm.











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