目的:探讨高原移居人群低氧初期和居住6个月后的动态肺功能与血浆一氧化氮之间的内在关系,充分认识低氧环境中肺通气功能的变化和调节过程,为急性高原病的防治寻求新的途径;方法:采用美国产ES800 肺功能仪对同一群体的20名男性健康青年于上山前(海拔1 400m )和进驻海拔5 380m 10 天及居住6 个月后在静息状态下进行动态肺功能及血浆一氧化氮的测定;结果:海拔5 380m 移居10 天与海拔1 400m 比较,FVC(用力肺活量)、FEF25% ~75% (用力呼气中期流速)、FEV1(1 秒钟用力呼气量)及MVV(最大通气量)显著增加(P< 0.01 或P< 0.05),血浆NO(一氧化氮)含量显著降低(P< 0.01),海拔5 380m 居住6 个月与移居10天比较,FVC、MVV显著降低(P< 0.05),血浆NO含量显著增多(P< 0.05);海拔5 380m 居住6 个月与海拔1 400m 比较FVC、FEF25% ~75% 、FEV、MVV显著增加(P< 0.01 或P< 0.05),血浆NO显著降低(P<0.05);海拔5 380m 移居6 个月与移居10 天比较,PEF(最大呼气流量)、FEV1% (1 秒钟用力呼气量占用肺活?
To survey the relationship between pulmonary function and plasm NO in immigrants exposed to high altiude(5 380m) to explore a new way of treatment and prevention of AMS.Methods:Pulmonary function and plasm NO in 20 healthy male (19~27years old) were examined in rest by ES800 lung function unit,USA,pre-and 10 days and 6 months post-altitude.Results:Level of FVC,FEF25%~75%,FEV 1 and MVV in 10 days post-altirude were significantly increased,as compared with pre-altitude (P <0.01 or 0.05);level of plasm NO was decreased ( P <0 01).FVC and MVV were decreased( P <0.05 ) but level of plasm NO was increased obviously (P <0.05) ,as 6 months vs 10 days post-altitude;FVC,FEF25%~75%,FEV 1 and MVV were obviously increased( P < 0.01 0r 0.05) ,level of plasm NO was decreased( P < 0.05) ,as 6 months post-altitude vs before altitude.NO difference in PEF and FEV 1% between 6 months and 10 days post-altitude.Conclusions:Pulmonary ventilation increase and level of plasm NO decrease in beginning of altitude exposure.When the time of postaltitude is prolongged,the ventilation lows progressively or the level of plasm NO arise but their value is still higher than or lower than that pre-altitude.$$$$
Journal of High Altitude Medicine
High altitude
Nitric oxide/blood
Pulmonary function