
共沉淀法制备细粒径BaMgAl_(10)O_(17):Eu^(2+)荧光粉及合成机理 被引量:5

Synthesis of BaMgAl_(10)O_(17):Eu^(2+) Phosphor via Co-Precipitation Method and Its Synthesis Mechanism
摘要 采用化学共沉淀法合成出BaMgAl10O17:Eu2+(BAM)蓝色荧光粉,研究了共沉淀产物在高温煅烧中的物相转变和晶粒生长过程,探讨了共沉淀法获得细粒径铝酸盐荧光粉的机理。研究发现,该物相转变过程和传统的高温固相法有很大区别,整个过程中未出现α-Al2O3相和含Mg的结晶相,BaMgAl10O17相由BaAl2O4相和γ-Al2O3相直接反应生成。BaMgAl10O17相的生成温度也比高温固相法低约200℃。电子衍射分析结果表明:该方法合成的BAM颗粒为六角片状的单晶体,晶粒尺寸为1~2μm,厚度100~200 nm,其基面为(0001)面,棱面为(1010)面。在147 nm真空紫外光激发下其发射主峰为450 nm,发光强度和光谱特性与高温固相法制备的荧光粉相近。该BAM荧光粉能够满足未来高清晰度平板显示的要求。 A BaMgAl10O17:Eu^2+(BAM) phosphor was synthesized by a chemical co-precipitation method.The phase transitions and the crystal particle growing process of the precipitate mixture during calcining process were investigated.The synthesis mechanism was discussed.The phase transition process differed from that by the high-temperature solid state reaction method.Al2O3 phase and the phases with Mg did not appear during the synthesis process.The BaMgAl10O17 phase was formed from a reaction between BaAl2O4 phase and γ-Al2O3 phase.The synthesis temperature of BaMgAl10O17 phase was lowered by 200 ℃,compared to that in the high-temperature solid state reaction method.The electron diffraction results reveal that the BAM particle prepared by the co-precipitation method is a single crystal with the hexagonal flaky shape,the basal plane is(0001),and the edge plane is and the crystallite size is about 1–2 μm,the thickness is about 100–200 nm.The emission peak of the BAM phosphor excited by 147 nm was 450 nm.The luminescence intensity and the spectral properties of the BAM phosphor were similar to those of the phosphor pre-pared by the high-temperature solid state method.The BAM phosphor material is promising for the future high-definition flat display.
出处 《硅酸盐学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第8期1229-1234,共6页 Journal of The Chinese Ceramic Society
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(2009AA03A1A5) 高等学校科技创新工程重大项目培育资金(707029)资助项目
关键词 铝酸盐荧光粉 粒径尺寸 共沉淀法 单晶体 aluminate phosphor particle size co-precipitation single crystal
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