

Joint Network-Channel Coding For Two Single-Relay Channels
摘要 在大型无线网络中,两用户节点进行信息交互,其间存在两个并行的中继节点但无直通链路。本文针对这一模型提出了一种网络-信道联合编码方案,具体方法是:在所有节点进行卷积编码,中继节点处还使用了网络编码,两用户同时接收到两路中继编码信息,从中减去本地信息后即构成分布式Turbo编码,用户端可通过迭代译码来获得对端信息。针对不同的应用环境,本文又给出了两种相关演变方案,并加以比较。仿真结果表明:与网络编码、信道编码单独设计的两种相关方案相比较,网络-信道联合编译码方案能获得更好的误帧率(PER)性能。 In large-scale wireless network,two users exchange information with two parallel relay.Considering the time-division channel without straight link,we present a joint network-channel coding method for this model,where convolutional coding is used at all nodes and network coding is used at two relay nodes.The network-channel coding of two relay nodes form a distributed turbo coding at two users simultaneously which can be iteratively decoded after the local information is separated.Moreover,according to different working environment,we propose two reference systems,making comparison simultaneously.Simulation results confirm the system with network-channel coding gets better PER performance compared to two reference systems,where network coding and channel coding are designed respectively.
出处 《无线通信技术》 2011年第1期1-6,共6页 Wireless Communication Technology
基金 国家重大专项(2010ZX03003-003-01) 国家自然科学基金(60972050)资助课题
关键词 网络编码 分布式Turbo码 网络-信道联合编译码 network coding distributed turbo coding network-channel coding
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