Journal of Nanchang University:Medical Sciences
1张四洋,张清富,谷雨妹,王恩华,邱雪杉.甲基化导致SOCS3表达下调与NSCLC淋巴结转移和临床病理分期相关[J].中国肺癌杂志,2008,11(2):220-225. 被引量:2
2赵海丰,苏洁平,金艳红,裴海燕,姚兴伟,刘鹏,何成彦.结肠癌组织中SOCS-3 mRNA的表达[J].中国实验诊断学,2007,11(4):488-490. 被引量:4
3Mingzhen Ying,Dawei Li,Linjun Yang,Mei Wang,Ning Wang,Ying Chen,Miaoxia He,Yajie Wang.Loss of SOCS3 expression is associated with an increased risk of recurrent disease in breast carcinoma[J]. Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology . 2010 (10)
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5Hernóndez Vargas P,López Franco O,Sanjuón G,et al.Sup-pressors of cytokine signaling regulate angiotensinⅡ-activatedJanus kinase-signal transducers and activators of transcriptionpathway in renal cells. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology . 2005
6Tsukada J,Ozaki A,Hanada T,et al.The role of suppressorof cytokine signaling 1 as a negative regulator for aberrant ex-pansion of CD8alpha+dendritic cell subset. Int I mmunol . 2005
7Brender C,Lovato P,Sommer V H,et al.Constitutive SOCS-3expressin protects T-cell lymphoma against growth inhibitionby IFNalpha. Leukemia . 2005
8Sasi W,Jiang W G,Sharma A,et al.Higher expression levelsof SOCS 1,3,4,7 are associated with earlier tumour stage andbetter clinical outcome in human breast cancer. BMC Canc-er . 2010
9Ahtiainen L,Mirantes C,Jahkola T,et al.Defectsininnatei m-munity render breast cancer initiating cells permissive to onco-lytic adenovirus. PLoS One . 2010
10O’Shea JJ,Gadina M,Schreiber RD.Cytokine signaling in 2002: new surprises in the Jak/Stat pathway. Cell . 2002
1贾芙蓉,周劲松,张哲雄,何成彦,刘伟林,赵运,姜喜远,王凤华.SOCS-3 mRNA在胃癌组织及胃癌细胞系中的表达[J].中国实验诊断学,2006,10(5):446-448. 被引量:4
2Biao He,Hang You et al.SOCS-3 is frequently silenced by hypermethylation and suppresses cell growth in human lung cancer[J].Proc Natl Acad Sci U S,2003,100(24):14133.
3Farabegoli F,Ceccarelli C,Santini D,et al.Suppressor of cytokine signalling2 (SOCS-2) expression in breast carcinoma[J].J Clin Pathol,2005,58(10):1046.
4Lee H,Yu H.Methylation of Statl promoter can contribute to squamous cell carcinogenesis[J].J Natl Cancer lnst,2006,98(3):154.
5Corvinus FM,Orth C,Moriggl R,et al.Persistent STAT3 activation in colon cancer is associated with enhanced cell proliferation and tumor growth[J].Neoplasia,2005,7(6):545.
6Brnder C,Nielsen M,Kaltoft K,et al.STAT3-mediated constitutive expression of SOCS-3 in cutaneous T-cell lymphoma[J].Blood,2001,97(2):1056.
7Niwa Y,Kanda H,Shikauchi Y,et al.Methylation silencing of SOCS-3 promotes cell growth and migration by enhancing JAK/STAT and FAK signalings in human hepatocellular carcinoma[J].Oncogene,2005,24(42):6406.
8Rigby RJ,Simmons JG,Greenhalgy CJ,et al.Suppressor of cytokine signaling 3(SOCS3) limits damage-induced crypt hyper-proliferation and inflammation-associated tumorigenesis in the colon.Oncogene,2007,26(33):4833-4841.
9Sutherland KD,Vaillant F,Alexander WS,et al.c-myc as a mediator of accelerated apoptosis and involution in mammary glands lacking Socs3.EMBO J,2006,25(24):5805-5815.
10Ogata H,Kobayashi T,Chinen T,et al.Deletion of the SOCS3 gene in liver parenehymal cells promotes hepatitis-induced hepatocarcinogenesis.Gastroenterology,2006,131(1):179-193.
2董尚文,马力,张鹏.DNA甲基化对Syk表达和肿瘤侵袭转移影响的研究进展[J].中国肺癌杂志,2008,11(5):742-746. 被引量:1
3秦翠云,强荣,高俊萍.结肠癌相关基因研究进展[J].第四军医大学学报,2008,29(23):2204-2205. 被引量:2
1杨林,韩思奇.三阴性乳腺癌中SOCS3和IL-6表达的相关性及临床意义[J].华中科技大学学报(医学版),2015,44(1):82-86. 被引量:7
3张冬平,范开席.胃癌组织中p-STAT3的表达及意义[J].山东医药,2014,54(30):35-36. 被引量:2
4王凤梅(综述),姚军(审校).JAK信号通路与抗肿瘤治疗[J].检验医学与临床,2012,9(5):589-591. 被引量:2
5王红雷.SOCS3在肝细胞癌组织中的表达及意义[J].山东医药,2014,54(13):22-23. 被引量:2
6应明真,陈颖,王梅,李永梅,王雅杰.STAT3与SOCS3在乳腺癌组织中的表达及生物学行为相关性分析[J].肿瘤,2007,27(4):298-302. 被引量:2
7刘春来(综述),刘红雨(审校),陈军(审校).SOCS家族分子在肿瘤发生发展中的作用[J].中国肺癌杂志,2016,19(9):620-625. 被引量:14
8陈念平,姜雨刚,缪辉来,周军.细胞因子信号转导抑制因子1在人肝细胞癌中的表达及临床意义[J].中华实验外科杂志,2008,25(7):845-847. 被引量:2
9刘梦琼,潘虹,马粤健,吴丽婷,符生苗,胡波.细胞因子信号抑制因子1在宫颈癌致瘤机制中的作用[J].中国卫生检验杂志,2015,25(15):2459-2462. 被引量:2
10殷盈祥.肝癌患者血清中CD44v6、HMGB1以及GP73含量检测及其与肿瘤组织中JAK-STAT通路的关系[J].海南医学院学报,2015,21(9):1275-1277. 被引量:8