以泰州大桥项目施工现场便道路面扬尘为研究对象,对东南大学市政工程系研制的新型道路扬尘抑制剂与纯水进行抑尘对比试验研究,重点分析了抑尘剂和纯水的渗透效果,蒸发量与时间的变化关系及抗风与抗雨淋性能。结果表明抑尘剂的渗透速率优于纯水,但二者的渗透变化规律相似,分别在 800 s 与 200 s 内渗透速率最大,随后二者渗透速率趋于平缓。经过 3 h 蒸发后,纯水与抑尘剂蒸发量均基本稳定,抑尘剂蒸发量相对较小, 抑尘效果明显。加抑尘剂的样品抗蒸发、吸湿及抗风效果明显优于加纯水的, 抗风效率分别为 59.16%与90.89%。喷洒抑尘剂后的扬尘凝聚后未出现膨润、起泡及溅蚀等现象,抗雨性能良好。
A new type of road dust suppressants developed by department of municipal engineering(Southeast University,China)was used to inhibit fugitive dust compared to that of pure water,based on road surface dust from Taizhou(China)yangtze river bridge project construction site.This study was accomplished by emphasizing the analysis of the effect of penetration,the relationship of evaporation with time and the performance of to resist wind.The ability of dust sprayed to withstand rain was also evaluated.Results showed that permeability rate of purity water was inferior to that of dust suppressant,but they had similar variation behavior during permeability.Permeable velocities both dust suppressant and pure water reached the peak at 800s and 200s,respectively,and then tended to steady.After 3-hour evaporating,evaporation volume both pure water and dust suppressant got to stable,while the evaporation level of the dust suppressant was less than that of pure water,and had a significant effect of inhibiting dust.The effect of resisting evaporation,absorbing moisture and withstanding wind was obvious for dust sprayed suppressant more than pure water,and rates of resisting wind were 59.16% and 90.89%,respectively.There were not the phenomena of swelling,foaming and splash erosion for dust after spraying suppressant.
Modern Transportation Technology
road dust
new suppressants
pure water
inhibiting effects