
基于几何特性参数的库尔勒香梨质量预测的研究 被引量:2

Models for Predicting the Mass of Korla Fragrant Pear by Geometrical Parameters
摘要 采用图像法获取香梨的三轴径和投影面积,通过线性或非线性回归分析的方法分析了这些几何参数与香梨质量之间的关系。结果表明:在基于三轴径的预测模型中,由长轴径和中轴径(或短轴径)两个自变量组成的线性回归模型与质量显著相关,为最优模型;在基于投影面积的预测模型中,以包含长轴径所在的投影面积为自变量的二项式回归模型与质量显著相关,为最优模型。这说明采用香梨几何参数预测质量方法是可行的,而且这种方法可为采用机器视觉方法进行香梨质量分级提供依据。 Three mutually perpendicular diameters and projected area of Korla fragrant pear were determined using image processing methods.Different linear and nonlinear regression models for mass prediction of Korla fragrant pears based on these geometrical parameters were identified.The results indicated that among the mass prediction models of Korla fragrant pear based on diameters,the linear model with the independent variables as major and intermediate diameter(or minor diameter) had higher correlation.Also,among the mass prediction models based on the projected area,the polynomial model with the independent variable as the projected area which include the major diameter can be optimum.The results showed that it is feasible to predict the mass of Korla fragrant pear using geometrical parameters,and it can supply basis for the research of mass classification using machine vision method.
出处 《石河子大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2011年第3期370-373,共4页 Journal of Shihezi University(Natural Science)
关键词 库尔勒香梨 几何特性 质量预测 图像法 Korla fragrant pear geometrical parameters mass prediction image processing methods
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