
动态环境的人工免疫网络多Agent优化策略 被引量:3

Artificial immune network multi-agent optimization strategy for dynamic environment
摘要 基于生物免疫网络的核心思想及多Agent技术,提出了动态环境下的人工免疫网络多Agent优化策略(Dmaopt-aiNet)该策略以搜索动态环境中的全局最优解为目标,引入了邻域克隆选择、邻域竞争和协作操作,并同时对Agent自信度状态作自动调整,在优化策略中采用了双重Agent网络结构、双重变异及动态环境检测策略.理论分析了Dmaopt-aiNet算法具有全局收敛性,实验结果表明该算法对高维动态优化问题具有较突出的优越性,能准确定位动态环境下的最优解,具有较好的搜索效果和效率. Based on the idea of biological immune network and multi-agent technology, an artificial immune network multi-agent optimization strategy for dynamic environment(Dmaopt-aiNet) is proposed. The strategy with the target of global optimization introduces neighborhood clonal selection, neighborhood competition and neighborhood collaborative operators. Simultaneously, self-confidence of each agent can be automatically adjusted. In the optimizing process, some strategies such as double-agent network structure, double-mutation strategy and dynamic environmental monitoring are involved. Theoretical analysis shows that Dmaopt-aiNet algorithm is global convergence. Experimental results and com- parison illustrate that Dmaopt-aiNet in dealing with high-dimensional dynamic optimization problems is more superior and can accurately determines the location of the optimum with good effectiveness and efficiency.
作者 史旭华 钱锋
出处 《控制理论与应用》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第7期921-930,共10页 Control Theory & Applications
基金 国家杰出青年科学基金资助项目(60625302) 国家"973"计划资助项目(2009CB320603) 国家科技支撑计划资助项目(2007BAF22B05) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(20876044) 宁波市自然科学基金资助项目(2011A610173) 浙江省自然科学基会资助项目(Y1090548)
关键词 免疫网络 多AGENT 动态环境 优化 immune network multi-agent dynamic environment optimization
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