《Visual FoxPro程序设计》课程是我校所有的本科生必修的一门课程,是学生接触的第一门程序设计课程,也是在校期间唯一学习的有关数据库类的课程。但是以往的教学方法将程序设计课程和学生所学的中医药知识完全分隔,所以学生对该课程在中医药领域的应用和研究不是很了解。通过大案例教学法,将两者紧密联系在一起,既提高了学生的学习兴趣,也能学以致用。
Visual FoxPro Programming course,the first programming course students learn,is not only a compulsory course for our all undergraduates in our university,but also the only curriculam concerning database.However,the old teaching method isolated programming from TCM lessons students learn,which made students have a less understanding of its application and research on TCM.Big case teaching can combine the two together,as well as improving the students studying interests and putting into good use.