以732阳离子交换树脂为催化剂催化合成二甲氧基甲烷,考察了搅拌速率、搅拌时间、甲醛滴加速率、催化剂的量等因素对二甲氧基甲烷反应的影响,并通过正交试验优化了反应条件。试验结果表明:搅拌速率为80 r/min,反应时间为70 min,甲醛滴加速率为2.5 g/min,催化剂的量为2.5 g,二甲氧基甲烷的产率达到93.52%;催化剂可以重复使用。
The catalytic synthesis of dimethoxymethane by cation exchange resin 732 was studied. The effect factors were investigated, and the optimum experimental conditions were optimized by orthogonal experiment. The results showed that the yield of dimethoxymethane can reach 93.52% under following conditions as: 80 r/rain stirring rate, 70 min, 2.5 g/min dropping rate of formaldehyde and 2.5 g cation exchange resin 732. The cation exchange resin 732 was reused in the reaction.
GuangZhou Chemical Industry