The book Qingsuo Gaoyi(青琐高议) written by Liu Fu in the Song Dynasty is one of high academic value.First,it complied and edited scattered manuscripts and made some addendums;second,it provided materials for studies over the works of authors;third,it made up the loss of poetic lines or characters;fourth,it provided historical data for study;and fifth,it supplied the original materials for the creation of many novels and dramas.Due to the negative impact of what Confucius had always preached as "(literary creations should) refrain from talk of supernatural phenomena;of extraordinary feats of strength;of crime of unnatural depravity of men;or of supernatural beings",the book Qingsuo Gaoyi(青琐高议) had been denounced as being "absurd" and "of vulgar tastes".However,the depictions of supernatural phenomena and beings in Qingsuo Gaoyi(青琐高议) are simple and unadorned,which precedes Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio(聊斋志异) to become a pathfinder in new literary styles of expression.
Journal of Nanyang Normal University