With two-body unitarity equations, we demonstrate the relation between the data of Dalitz analysis of a D+ → K^-π+π+ decay experiment and that of Kπ scattering, and point out that there might be some underestimated ambiguity in the existing data sets, if the I = 1/2 component of the Kπ system is dominant in this decay process. It is suggested that the unitarity constraints should be built in to deal with the raw data to obtain an improved result from the Dalitz analysis.
With two-body unitarity equations, we demonstrate the relation between the data of Dalitz analysis of a D+ → K^-π+π+ decay experiment and that of Kπ scattering, and point out that there might be some underestimated ambiguity in the existing data sets, if the I = 1/2 component of the Kπ system is dominant in this decay process. It is suggested that the unitarity constraints should be built in to deal with the raw data to obtain an improved result from the Dalitz analysis.
Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (10875001,10705009)