
武汉光电子信息产业专利标准化机制研究 被引量:1

Standardization of the Patents of Opto-electronic Information Industry in Wuhan
摘要 专利标准化日益成为国际技术创新和市场竞争中国家利益的重要实现途径。本文应用质性研究方法,分析武汉光电子信息产业具有代表性的9个案例企业的R&D与标准化活动,以识别和揭示促进自主专利标准化的机制。依据该分析,本文构建了一个包含11个机制的命题框架,并将这些机制与内部或外部集成相联系,拓展了集成创新理论的现有研究。本文发现的这一机制框架在一定范围内解释了影响专利标准化过程的因素,有助于在制定微观和宏观标准化战略时避免战略盲点;同时,该框架也为后续研究提供了演绎性起点。 Patent standardization is becoming an important means to realize the national interests in global technological innovation and market competition. To identify and reveal the mechanisms that promote independent patent standardization, this article utilizes a qualitative methodology, and analyzes the R&D and patent standardization activities of nine representative optoeleetronic information companies in Wuhan. Based on our analysis, we develop an analytical framework that consists of 11 mechanisms, relate these mechanisms with internal or external integration, and extend the extant literature on integrated innovation. The mechanism framework which we find in this article, to some extent, explains the determinants of patent standardization, which helps avoid strategic blind spot when micro-and macro standardization strategies are being developed. Furthermore, the framework provides a basis for future research.
出处 《中国科技论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第8期29-35,55,共8页 Forum on Science and Technology in China
基金 "十一五"国家科技支撑计划重点专项"关键技术标准推进工程"武汉国家高新技术产业标准化示范(光电子信息产业)(2006BAK04A16) 国家社会科学基金项目"产学研结合创新体系的法制建设"(08BFX047)
关键词 专利 标准化 集成创新 光电子信息 patent standardization integrated innovation optoeleetronic information
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