
创新系统研究中的竞争性方法——文献述评 被引量:2

Contending Approaches in the Research of Innovation Systems:A Literature Review
摘要 创新系统研究在过去二十多年间逐渐发展出两种不同的研究方法:基于系统结构的研究方法与基于系统功能的研究方法,其中后者是对前者发展过程中若干弊端有所反思的结果。对创新系统研究中的这两类竞争性方法及使用这些研究方法若干有代表性的文献进行了简要的回顾和评述,并就对基于功能的研究方法的有关批评进行了分析与回应,在此基础上讨论了在中国这样的发展中国家情境下,基于功能的创新系统研究方法可能的发展方向和可行的操作方法。 There have developed two different approaches in the research of innovation system in the past score years.One of them is the structural approach,the other is the functional one,and the latter one is resulted from the reflection to those shortcomings of the former one.This paper reviews those representative articles in the contending approaches,analyzes and gives its response to those criticisms on the functional approach.Based on such a review,it discusses the potential issues and plausible methods in the application of the functional approach in the context of developing countries like China.
作者 孙喜 杜澄
出处 《科学学与科学技术管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第8期98-106,共9页 Science of Science and Management of S.& T.
关键词 创新系统 系统功能 结构 innovation system function structure
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