
指纹及指静脉双模态识别的二级分类融合法研究 被引量:2

Research on dual-modal second-level decision fusion for fingerprint and finger vein recognition
摘要 针对单模态生物特征识别系统固有的局限性,提出一种基于二级分类的指纹与指静脉识别的决策级融合方法.首先,针对指纹和指静脉进行一级分类器设计,得出各自的识别结果;然后将这两种模态的特征点集以特征串联的方式形成新的特征矢量并构成第3个分类器进行二级分类,得出识别结果;最后将这3个识别结果进行决策级融合,得到最终的识别结果.实验结果表明,该方法有效地克服了单模态识别方法的局限性,提高了系统的性能. In order to overcome the inherent limitations of single modal fingerprint and finger vein recognition systems, a second-level decision fusion algorithm based on fingerprint and finger vein dual-mode recognition is proposed. Firstly, two classifiers are designed for fingerprint and finger vein recognition respectively. Then extracted, feature vectors from the first stage are then concatenated to make the third classifier for second-level decision. Finally, recognition is achieved by the fusion of the three classifiers' recognition results at the decision level. Experimental results show that this algorithm not only overcomes the limitations of single-modal biometrics, but also effectively improves the recognition performance of the system.
出处 《控制与决策》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第8期1131-1135,共5页 Control and Decision
基金 国家863计划项目(2008AA01Z148) 国家自然科学基金项目(60975022) 黑龙江省杰出青年科学基金项目(JC200703) 哈尔滨市科技创新人才研究专项基金项目(2007RFXXG009)
关键词 多模态生物特征识别 指纹识别 静脉识别 二级分类 muitibiometdc fingerprint identification finger vein identificatiom second-level classifier
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