
计算机实验室网络信息安全与防护 被引量:1

Computer Lab Network Information Security and Protection
摘要 互联网技术的迅速发展是本世纪的一个伟大成就。在一个小小的房间里,我们使用电脑,借助于互联网就能接触大千世界并得到我们想要的各种知识。然而,在网络信息安全方面存在诸多危险,如:网络的开放性、黑客的攻击、各种病毒的侵害。当今社会,大多数年轻学生热衷于尝试网上新事物,他们与时俱进,网络信息成为不可或缺的力量,然而他们忽视了网络信息的安全和防护。在本文中,通过用机房近两年的开放实例,描述了计算机实验室既满足教学实验又让学生在业余时间分享网上冲浪。论述了一个高效、安全、实用的网络信息防护系统。它包括三个方面:标准管理、奥拓软件、海光还原卡。 It is the greatest achievement that the internet technology develops at a amazing speed in this century. With the help of internet, we can get touch with the world and get all the knowledge that we want to know in a small room with a computer. However, there are many endangers that prevent the network from information safety such as the openness of the network, the attacks of the hacker and emerging types of virus. In current days, most young students love to try new things online. They need to advance with the times and the information network is an indispensable force. But lots of them have no awareness of information security and protecting.In this paper, examples of our computer lab in this two years are given to describe that how a computer lab can meet the needs well of teaching experiment and surfing internet of students in their spare time. A kind of efficient, safety and practical system is researched in this paper and the follow main three parts, standard management, Alto software, Hal Guang protection card are the chief contents.
作者 韩玫
出处 《价值工程》 2011年第23期133-134,共2页 Value Engineering
关键词 网络 信息 安全 network information security
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  • 1Huan Yuan Zhang,Kai Min Yin,and Lu Che,Campus network security protection system for research and practice:Voice of the Customer,PP.28-31,April 2008.
  • 2He.Shaohua,“A comprehensive security protection system of information management under network environment in China,” 3rd International Symposium on Electronic Commerce and Security,ISECS 2010,pp.68-73.
  • 3Li.Wei,“A new information security model based on network service protection,“2009 Ist International Conference on Information Science and Engineering,ICISE 2009,p p.1547-1549.










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