目的分析HIV/AIDS患者外周血T辅助细胞(CD4+)、T抑制细胞(CD8+)和白细胞(WBC)检测结果。方法 CD4+和CD8+计数通过免疫荧光标记,采用流式细胞仪检测;白细胞(WBC)计数采用全自动细胞分析仪检测。结果 118例HIV/AIDS住院患者,WBC降低组(3.00±0.61)×109/L的CD4+和CD8+分别为(68.60±38.98)个/ul和(266.89±126.52)个/ul,WBC正常组(7.13±5.12)×109/L的CD4+和CD8+分别为(104.39±61.37)个/ul和(380.17±134.06)个/ul,两者差异有统计学意义(t1=5.78t,2=3.62t,3=5.35,P均<0.01);两组别CD4+/CD8+比值比较均呈有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 HIV/AIDS患者在发病过程中与CD4+、CD4+/CD8+、WBC有密切相关,建议HIV感染者尽早进行医学咨询并做CD4+、CD8+和血常规的检测,以了解病情的进展及进行抗病毒治疗。
Aim Analysis the relevance of peripheral T helper cell (CD4^+),T inhibited cell (CD8^+)count and white blood cell (WBC) testing results of 118 cases of HIV/AIDS patients in our hospital. Methods CD4^+ and CDS^+ T iymphoeyte count are detected by flow cytometty,white blood cell(WBC) count is detected by cell analyzer. Results (1) In 118 eases of HIV / AIDS in hospitalized patients,CD4^+ and CD8^+ of WBC reduction group (3.00±0.61)×10^9/L are respectively (68.6±38.98)/ul and (266.89±126.52)/ul. CD4+ and CD8+ of WBC normal group (7.13±5.12)×10^9/L are respectively (104.39±61.37)/ul and (380.17±134.06)/ul. The both difference has statistics significance,see Table 1 (tl= 5.78,t2= 3.62,t3= 5.35 P〈0.01 ). (2) CD4^+values are divided into different group (see Table 2). Each group comparison with CD4^+/CD8^+ ratio shows signlficandy correlation,the correlation coefficient is respectively 0.586,0.698 and 0.409 (P〈 0.05). Conclusion It is closely related that HIV/AIDS patients in the disease process and the CD4^+,CD8^+,WBC. HIV infection are recommended medical advice as soon as possible,understand the progress of the disease and treat antiviral in time by CD4^+, CD8^+ and blood routine testing. HIV/AIDS patients in the course of treatment should be CD4^+, CD8^+ and blood routine testing for regular.
China Tropical Medicine