

Spatial variability of malic acid content of flue-cured tobacco in Dali
摘要 采用GPS定位,在云南大理州主要烟区选取100个采样点,分别于2007、2008年采集C3F烤烟样品各100份。将各取样点2年烤烟样品苹果酸含量的平均值作为原始统计数据,对苹果酸含量的原始数据、对数转化和Box—Cox转换后的数据进行正态分布性检验,采用地统计学进行烤烟苹果酸含量的空间趋势和空间变异分析。结果表明:大理烤烟苹果酸含量经对数转换后服从正态分布,在进行普通Kriging插值时宜选择1阶趋势效应和指数理论模型;大理烤烟苹果酸含量具有中等的空间相关性和线性空间趋势效应;大理烤烟苹果酸含量为41.26-124.45mg/g,平均含量为81.00mg/g,背景值为65.01~80.00mg/g,苹果酸含量最高(100.01~123.45mg/g)的板块分布在南涧县、巍山县和弥渡县;大理州南部烟区烤烟苹果酸含量自南向北呈梯度状由高到低分布。 Dali flue-cured tobacco plays an important role in formula of several core cigarette brands. Malic acid is one of major nonvolatile organic acids of tobacco leaf, and it is one of common aroma additives for high-grade cigarettes, so researchers highly focus on tobacco malic acid. The objective of the study was to investigate spatial distribution of malic acid content of Dali flue-cured tobacco, and to provide references for layout of tobacco planting and using of tobacco leaf. The main tobacco planting areas in Dali were selected as the experiment sites. 200 flue-cured tobacco samples of C3F grade were collected from 100 sites in 2007 and 2008 via global position system (GPS). Malic acid contents of tobacco samples were determined. The mean value of tobacco malic acid content of samples in each site was regarded as the original data. The original data, data obtained after logarithmic transformation and Box-Cox transformation were tested for normal distribution. Surface trend and spatial distribution of tobacco malic acid content were analyzed by geostatistical analyst. The results showed that the data after logarithmic transformation showed normal distribution. The integrative comparisons of semi-variogram parameters of the ordinary kriging prediction with three trends and four theoretical models indicated that 1-order trend effect and exponential model were preferable. There were moderate spatial correlation and linear surface trend for tobacco malic acid content in DaIi. Malic acid content of Dali tobacco ranged from 41.26 mg/g to 123.45 rag/g, the mean was 81.00 mg/g, and the range of background value was from 65.01mg/g to 80.00 mg/g. The growing areas with the highest malic acid content ranged from 100.01 mg/g to 124.45 mg/g were located in Nanjian county, Weishan county, and Midu county. In the southern tobacco growing areas of Dali, malic acid contentshowed gradient-like distribution with high-to-low trend from south to north.
出处 《湖南农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期367-371,共5页 Journal of Hunan Agricultural University(Natural Sciences)
基金 云南省烟草公司大理特色优质烟叶开发项目(09YN017)
关键词 烤烟 苹果酸 空间变异 地统计学 大理白族自治州 flue-cured tobacco malic acid spatial variability geostatistics Dali Autonomous Prefecture
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