

Position Design:for CO2-DSA Anterograde Angiography in Lower Limb Veins
摘要 目的通过动物实验,设计出应用于人体下肢静脉的CO2-DSA顺行血管造影的体位。方法选择健康成年家犬,全麻下进行"体位与安全性关系"和"静脉顺行血管造影中CO2-DSA与ICM-DSA对比"实验。实验获得的数据做t检验。结果设计出应用于人体的"俯卧位高臀屈膝45°下肢静脉CO2-DSA顺行血管造影体位"。结论 "俯卧位高臀屈膝45°下肢静脉CO2-DSA顺行血管造影体位"能够良好显示下肢静脉血管,满足了临床诊断要求,同时能够避免了CO2气体进入右心和肺循环,充分保证了受检者的安全。 Objective Based on experiments on animals, to design positions for CO2-DSA anterograde angiography in lower limb veins. Methods Experiments were carded out on selected healthy grown-up dogs under general anesthesia to probe into the relation between position and safety as well as the contrast between CO2-DSA and ICM-DSA,anterograde angiography. Data from the experiments were analyzed by means of T-test. Results The high-buttock and genufiex prone position 45°of lower limb veins was designed to apply to people for CO2-DSA anterograde angiography. Conclusion The high-buttock and genuflex prone position 45 of lower limb veins for CO2-DSA anterograde angiography can show lower limb vein blood vessel clearly enough to meet the requirements of clinical diagnosis. What' s more, it prevents carbon dioxide from entering right ventricular and lung circulation. Thus it fully ensures the safety of persons being tested.
作者 张华 于晗澍
出处 《菏泽医学专科学校学报》 2011年第2期6-9,共4页 Journal of Heze Medical College
关键词 数字减影血管造影 下肢静脉 二氧化碳 体位设计 digital subtraction angiography lower limb vein carbon dioxide position design
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