
浅析高职学生学习取向与知识获得的关系 被引量:3

Relationship between Approaches to Learning and Acquisition of Knowledge for Students in Higher Vocational College
摘要 用关于当堂课所学内容的R/K判断测验和测量学习取向的学习过程问卷测试了378名高职学生,方差分析表明,较熟悉的、不太难的、结构性较好的课程有利于知识表征从R向K的转化,表面型取向对这一转化没有显著作用,高深层型取向增加不熟悉的课程的R及正确总数,高成就型取向在结构性较好的课程上减少R及正确总数,而在熟悉的课程上增加K。由于各种学习取向对知识表征形式的影响因课程类型而异,优化高职学生学习质量应兼顾课程设计和学习取向干预两个方面。 R/K judgments immediately after learning and study process questionnaire measuring approaches to learning are completed by 378 students from a higher vocational college. ANOVA shows that familiar, not--too--difficult,and well--structured lectures can promote the R--to--K shift in knowledge representation, that surface approach shows no significant effect on that shift,that higher deep approach increases R responses and total correct answers on unfamiliar lectures,and that higher achievement approach decreases R responses and total correct answers on well-- structured lectures whereas increases K on familiar lectures. Because approaches to learning affect the form of knowledge representation differently according to characteristics of lec- tures,improving the quality of learning in higher professional college students should take both lecture design and intervention of approaches to learning into consideration.
作者 付梅莉 胡静
出处 《高教论坛》 2011年第9期16-18,21,共4页 higher education forum
关键词 学习取向 知识获得 R/K判断 高职学生 approaches to learning acquisition of knowledge R/K judgment students of higher vocational college
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