
插装阀组集成控制液压系统瞬时失效机理解析 被引量:4

Analysis of Instantaneous Failure for Cartridge Valves in Integrated Control Hydraulic System
摘要 为从理论上揭示插装阀组集成控制液压系统瞬时失效的原因,以混凝土泵液压系统为例,提出了基于流体逻辑理论的插装阀组启闭状态组合的解析方法,并运用混凝土泵液压系统的数字化模型验证其有效性.研究结果表明,当负载处于一定范围时,个别插装阀的不当开启会导致不同插装阀的容腔短暂串通,造成液压系统的瞬时失效,而增加插装阀控制腔压力可以解决液压系统的瞬时失效问题.论文提出了提高插装阀组集成控制液压系统运行稳定性的设计方法. To theoretically reveal the reasons for instan- taneous failure of cartridge valves in integrated control hydraulic system, concrete pump hydraulic system was taken as an example, an analytical method of cartridge valve's on and off states combination based on fluid logic theory was proposed. And this method was testified by the digital model of concrete pumrp hydraulic system. The research result shows that within a certain range of load, an improper opening of single cartridge valve will cause connectivity between the cavities of different valves, which will lead to instantaneous failure to integrated control hydraulic system, but increasing control cavity pressure of cartridge valves can solve the instantaneous failure problem. Finally, the paper presents a design method to increase the working stability of the integrated control hydraulic system.
出处 《同济大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第7期1056-1061,共6页 Journal of Tongji University:Natural Science
关键词 插装阀组 集成控制 瞬时失效 稳定性 cartridge valves integrated control instantaneous failure stability
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