
武汉光谷产业集群创业环境与创业绩效关系研究 被引量:10

Research on the Relationship between Entrepreneurial Environment and Entrepreneurial Performance of Wuhan Optics Valley Industry Cluster
摘要 基于GEM模型,通过对武汉光谷产业集群内创业者的访谈和问卷填写,调查了光谷创业环境的发展状况,发现武汉光谷的创业环境处于良好发展的阶段,同时建立了创业环境因素与创业绩效关系的统计模型,实证检验了创业环境对创业绩效的影响作用。最后实证研究对比了武汉、温州与杭州三地的产业集群环境,发现武汉光谷在各环境因素上的得分均优于其它集群。 Based on the GEM model,according to the interview and questionnaire survey of the entrepreneurs in the Wuhan optics valley industry cluster,this paper investigated the development situation of optics entrepreneurial environment,discovered that the entrepreneurial environment of Wuhan optics valley was in a good development stage,established the statistical model of the relationship between entrepreneurial environment factors and entrepreneurial performance,and empirical tested the effect of entrepreneurial environment on entrepreneurial performance.Finally,the empirical study compared the Wuhan,Hangzhou,Wenzhou and three places of industry cluster,found in wuhan optical valley environment every environment factors on scored better than any other of the cluster.
作者 胡蓓 双华军
出处 《科技进步与对策》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第15期50-56,共7页 Science & Technology Progress and Policy
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(70872034)
关键词 创业绩效 创业环境 GEM模型 产业集群 Entrepreneurial Performance Entrepreneurial Environment GEM Model Industry Cluster
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