
环境管制影响下的佛山市陶瓷产业集群发展模式研究 被引量:10

Development Mode of Ceramics Industrial Cluster in Foshan City Influenced by Environmental Regulation
摘要 环境管制开始成为影响产业集群发展的一个重要因素,现有文献都是从环境管制对企业区位变化、产业集群的竞争力、建立生态工业园等方面来研究,鲜有研究其对产业集群整体发展模式的影响。本文以佛山市陶瓷产业集群为研究案例,通过深入的调查分析发现,在当地政府严格的环境管制措施下,陶瓷产业集群的发展模式主要发生三方面的转变:①以清洁生产等标准全面清理生产企业,大量不达标企业搬迁或者关闭;②产业链由以前围绕生产企业组织向围绕企业总部重构;③总部经济的发展。研究认为,环境管制政策正成为产业集群升级的重要政策手段。 Environmental regulation has become an important factor influencing the development of industries. Present researches are mainly focused on its impact on enterprise location change, industrial cluster competition, and eco-industrial park establishing, while its impact on development mode of ceramics industrial cluster has seldom been studied. This paper takes ceramics industrial cluster of Foshan City as a case to be studied. It is found that as the strictly enforced environmental regulation has been applied, the cluster in the city has developed in three aspects:1) the ceramics manufacturers are regulated based on the standards for cleaner production. Manufacture enterprises that can not meet those standards are required to be relocated or even closed;2) the production chain of the industrial cluster has changed from being major oriented in manufacturing to mainly relying on the headquarter economy.3) headquarter economy develops rapidly. Finally, the paper concludes that environmental regulation has been an effective measure for the industrial cluster upgrading.
作者 沈静 魏成
出处 《热带地理》 北大核心 2011年第3期304-309,315,共7页 Tropical Geography
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(40901066) 教育部人文社会科学青年基金(10YJC790271) 广东高校优秀青年创新人才培育项目"环境管制作用下的珠三角制造业区位变化特征研究"
关键词 环境管制 产业集群 发展模式 佛山陶瓷产业 environmental regulation industrial cluster development mode ceramics industry in Foshan City
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