卡姆斯特煤矿区煤炭资源储量丰富,但煤田地质工作程度低,勘探开发滞后,已不能适应阿勒泰地区经济发展对矿产开发的需求。为缓解阿勒泰地区煤炭紧缺状况,依据勘探程度、构造复杂程度、煤层露头线及煤层1 000m深部界线等因素圈定三巴斯陶、塔哈拉巴斯塔乌、喀拉萨依等3个含煤远景区作为煤炭资源评价单元,将资源条件、开采技术条件、开发条件和开发效益等影响煤炭资源评价的要素细化为29个评价参数,运用层次分析法(AHP)建立煤炭资源评价模型,构建对比矩阵,确定评价参数权值总排序。根据各评价对象的调查成果,结合专家意见给出各参数隶属度权值,利用乘积法得出评价对象的综合评价隶属度:三巴斯陶为0.627 5,塔哈拉巴斯塔乌为0.700 5,喀拉萨依为0.682 7。根据该结果,认为塔哈拉巴斯塔乌含煤远景区煤炭资源综合条件较好,可作为下一步勘查工作的首选区。
The Kamst coalmine has abundant coal resources,but because of low degree of geological works,laggard exploration and exploitation,thus cannot meet the mineral demand of Altay area rapid economic development.To relieve coal in short supply in the area,based on degree of exploration,structural complexity,coal seam outcropped line and 1000m depth boundary,circled out Sanbastau,Taharbastau and Karasay three coal-bearing prospects as coal resource assessment units.Coal resource assessment factors of resource,mining technological,exploitation conditions and development benefit have been refined into 29 assessment parameters.Using AHP establishes coal resource assessment model,composes contrast matrixes,and determines assessment parameter weights overall ordering.Based on investigating results of what to assess,combined with expert opinion give membership grade weight for each parameter,get out comprehensive assessment membership grade of what to assess through product method: Sanbastau is 0.6275,Taharbastau 0.7005,Karasay 0.6827.Based on the result,have considered that the Taharbastau coal-bearing prospect has better coal resource comprehensive conditions,can be the preferred area for next exploration works.
Coal Geology of China