美国是世界上助学贷款的最大提供者。在学生财政援助方面,美国拥有丰富的经验。高达4 600亿美元的学生贷款市场和长达数十年的学生贷款历史,使美国通过借贷帮助学生支付学费的政策日趋专业化。对于正在扩大学生助学贷款体系的中国来说,可以从当今美国学生助学贷款方案改革中获得启示。其一,应尽力在资助活动之初设计一个独特完善的贷款体系管理方案,以避免日后的不断简化和调整;其二,尽量限制中介的参与以减少贷款成本及贷款发放过程的行政程序;其三,通过政府债券来寻求与金融市场的平衡;其四,要不断完善学生信息渠道,提高学生贷款信息获取度;其五,要努力对助学贷款方案改革所引起的不可知后果进行预测。
US is the largest provider of student loans in the world. It has wide experience in student financial aid. In the US, the student loan market of S460 billion and a student loan history stretching over decades is accompanied by expertise in lending facilities to help students pay for the costs of their degrees. China could learn from the reform of US student loan scheme as it is expanding its student loan system: first, preferring a unique publicly managed scheme set up at the start of lending activities over incremental streamlining from a variety of public and private loans; second, limiting the intermediaries involved to reduce the loan costs and the administrative steps of allocating loan; third, seeking a balance with the financial market by government bond; fourth, facilitating students' access to information; finally, anticipating unintended consequences which will take the form of a reduction of resources available to higher education at other levels ot governance.
University Education Science