
基于PHC3.0数据集的北冰洋水团分析 被引量:1

Analysis on the Water Masses in the Arctic Ocean Based on the PHC3.0 Data Sets
摘要 基于PHC3.0极地科学中心水文气候数据集(简称PHC3.0数据集)的温度和盐度资料,使用聚类分析和Bayes判别分析的方法,对北纬70°以北海域的水团结构进行了分析,在北冰洋区域划分出4个水团:北冰洋表层水(ASW)、大西洋中层水(AIW)、太平洋水(PW)和北冰洋深层水(ADW)。北冰洋表层水(ASW)遍布于欧亚海盆和加拿大海盆,以低温低盐为特征。大西洋中层水(AIW)位于约200~900m深度,在北冰洋环极边界流的作用下,其影响可达到加拿大海盆。太平洋水(PW)受经白令海峡进入北冰洋的海水影响,相对高温低盐,夏季时影响显著。北冰洋深层水(ADW)在海盆中相当均匀,几乎没有季节变化,盐度约在34.95psu,温度在加拿大海盆约为-0.3℃,欧亚海盆约为-0.7℃。 Based on the temperature and salinity data north of the 70°N from PHC3.0 data sets,the water masses in the Arctic ocean are analyzed using the cluster method and the bayes discrimination method. Four water masses are found in the Arctic ocean which are Arctic Surface water, Atlantic Intermediate water, Pacific water and Arctic deep water. Arctic Surface water spreads all over the surface of both Eurasian basin and the Canada basin, marked by lower temperature and lower salinity. Atlantic intermediate water mainly extends in the layer from about 200m to 900m, carded by the Arctic circumpolar boundary current it can spread over the Canadian basin. Affected by the water from the Pacific through the Bering Strait, Pacific water is relatively warmer and fresher, especially in summer. Arctic deep water is relatively uniform all over the basins with little seasonal variability. The salinity is about 34.95psu, while the temperature is about -0.3 ℃ in the Canada basin and -0.7℃ in the Eurasian basin.
出处 《海洋测绘》 2011年第4期67-69,共3页 Hydrographic Surveying and Charting
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(40806072)
关键词 北冰洋 水团 聚类分析 判别分析 the Arctic ocean water masses cluster method discrimination method
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