

The Models of Five Planets in Xinfa Suanshu-taken Saturn as an example
摘要 解释了《新法算书》"五纬历指"卷二中计算土星位置的托勒密模型、哥白尼模型和第谷模型;指出该卷首先给出了一套完整、详细的托勒密测量土星模型两心差的方法、确定本轮半径的方法;其次介绍了哥白尼土星模型,只是哥白尼原先使用的"地球轨道圈的中心"被换成了"地心",致使哥白尼日心的体系变成了地心体系;最后介绍了第谷门徒朗乔蒙塔努斯的模型,该模型是五纬表"编算的基础,但文中只用两个算例进行了介绍.由此认为:尽管《新法算书》是以第谷学说编算的新"法,但是16、17世纪欧洲天文学革命的新成果在中国并没有得到正确和充分的介绍和传播. The second volume of Chapters of the five Planets(五纬历指) in Xinfa Suanshu (新法算书) refers to the motion of Saturn. This paper interprets its' content of Ptolemic, Copernicus and Tychonic models of Saturn. It can be seen from this interpretation that the Ptolemy's methods of ascertaining the eccentricity and epicycle radio were translated in a faithful and detained manner. However, In its following introduc- tion to the Copernicus model, the original concept of "the center of the earth orbit" was changed into "the center of the earth", so that a heliocentric system was deceitfully changed into a geocentric system. As for the Tychnic's model that had been the basis of all the planetary ephemeris in Xinfa Suanshu, it was presented by two simple examples. Thus, The astronomical achievements of the Astronomical Revolution in European during the 16 - 17 centuries were not faithfully and effectively introduced into China although the NEW methods of Tycho had played unique role in Xinfa Suanshu .
作者 宁晓玉
出处 《广西民族大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2011年第2期10-16,共7页 Journal of Guangxi Minzu University :Natural Science Edition
关键词 土星运动模型 《新法算书》 托勒密模型 哥白尼模型 第谷模型 models of Saturn Xinfa Suanshu Ptolemy's model Copernicus model Tyehonic model
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